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Transparent PDF in prezi next

In this tutorial we are going to show you how to get your illustrated visuals in Prezi Next as transparent PDFs.

The SWF substitute 

Since the switch has been made from Prezi Classic to Prezi Next there have been many great improvements. One of these being that Prezi is no longer a flash-based software, but runs on HTML5. A big plus for stability! But, there is also a downside. You can no longer insert SWF files. In Prezi Classic these scalable vector graphics were used because they always have the best image resolution and can have a transparent background. This is perfect for when you want to insert a logo, icon or text that is written in a custom font.

The only compatible vector file in Prezi Next is PDF and I can hear you think: “These can’t be transparent, right?” Well, actually they can. We found a surprisingly easy way to use transparency in PDF files that can be inserted in Prezi Next.


How to do it in Adobe Illustrator

Designers like us use this tool more often than we use a fork. If that doesn’t apply to you, no worries! Because this tutorial is pretty easy. Start by opening or creating a visual in Adobe Illustrator. The next step is to export it as a PDF. Normally we would do this by using the ‘export for screens’ function, but the problem is that your PDF will get a white background by doing it that way. To get a transparent PDF that works in Prezi Next you need to export it as an asset. There are multiple ways to do this but the quickest way is to select the object, right click on the selection and click on ‘export selection’. Choose PDF and click on ‘export asset’. Here you’ll find some more help with exporting assets in Adobe Illustrator. Now insert your transparent PDF in Prezi Next and there you go!

How to do it in Microsoft Word

I know the following sentence is going to sound crazy but please believe me. Getting transparent vector images in Prezi Next can be done with Microsoft Word. That’s right. So even without a fancy pantsy design tool, this job can be done. So let’s say you have downloaded yourself a nice set of icons or you have a logo as a SVG file. First you have to convert that SVG file to an EMF file. Insert that in a word document and save it as a PDF. If you insert this in Prezi Next you will see that your image is transparent, but still has the size and orientation of a standard A4 Word template. You can change this in Microsoft Word by going to Layout and changing the Size and Orientation before you save it as a PDF.

Still have problems with inserting a transparent PDF in Prezi Next? Don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll help you find the solution.