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Innovation in a presentation design agency:

A glimpse into our process.

As a leading presentation design agency, we are dedicated to staying at the forefront of technological advancements that can revolutionize the way we create captivating, impactful presentations for our clients. In this blog, we are offering you an insight into our approach to integrating innovations into our design process, driven by an innovation funnel that ensures quality every step of the way.

The innovation funnel 

It all begins with our innovation funnel. This systematic approach allows us to explore the potential of new tools while keeping our clients' needs at the heart of every decision we make. We continually ask ourselves a series of crucial questions: 

  • Do our clients want this innovation? 
  • Do we truly need it to enhance our capabilities? 
  • Can our clients reap substantial benefits from its integration? 
  • Can we effectively implement and utilize this tool? 

After rigorous testing and a lot of evaluation, we have integrated several tools into our workflow. Tools like Canva, Framer, Midjourney, and ChatGPT were carefully checked and proven to be really impactful. We use these tools to make the design process smoother and to make sure our clients receive nothing short of exceptional presentations.

From creating captivating moodboards that set the tone for each project to efficient summarization and multilingual translations, adopting new tools has become an invaluable ally in generating presentation outlines that captivate and communicate effectively. Moreover, innovating doesn't stop there – we are currently in the process of exploring tools and partnerships focused on sound, aiming to elevate the auditory experience of our presentations. 

Implementation routes 

Once a new tool has successfully navigated our innovation funnel, our implementation process starts. We have two distinct routes to ensure seamless integration into our workflow. 

Route A: Our in-house implementation journey begins with acquiring the necessary resources, followed by thorough training of our design team. Once our team is equipped with the skills and expertise, we deploy the tool in real projects. The process doesn't stop there – continuous evaluation allows us to refine our approach, ensuring the tool's optimal performance. Finally, the baton is handed over to our marketing and sales teams. 

Route B: This route is our outsource route. It involves collaborating with freelancers who are already adept with the tools. This route allows us to maintain flexibility while benefiting from external expertise. We evaluate the collaboration and, if successful, proceed to refine our workflow and pricing strategies. Ultimately, the result is the same – enhanced offerings for our clients. 

Meet our specialists 

We believe in specialization, so we are making sure we have internal specialists on different tools. Bart is crowned specialist to harness the full potential of Framer's capabilities. And then we have Gerrit, he is a master at crafting presentations in Canva that captivate with visual storytelling. 

While Bart and Gerrit lead the way in their respective domains, we firmly believe that AI can empower every member of our team. That's why we have equipped the entire team with training in Midjourney and ChatGPT. These tools aid in brainstorming, idea generation, content enhancement, and more. By democratizing access to the latest tools out there, we ensure that every presentation we deliver reflects the highest standards of creativity and effectiveness. 

Hud Duque – Innovation Lead at Mr.Prezident

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