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Innovations update: AI.

May 8th

Our colleague Hud gives us monthly innovations updates, and this time he took us on a fascinating journey into the world of AI. Below you’ll find some of the highlights.

From radio and TV to the internet, we've witnessed the evolution of how information reaches us. With AI, we're experiencing a new wave of digitization. These AI tools have the ability to analyze all those 1's and 0's, unlocking valuable insights. It's mind-blowing to think about the possibilities that lie ahead. AI is revolutionizing how we live and work, and we're fortunate to witness its infancy. 

Traditional programs follow predefined rules and structures set by humans. But AI is different. We, as humans, provide it with a goal and let it practice and learn on its own. It's like telling AI, "Find your way there, and do whatever it takes." The system trains itself, iterating until it achieves success and creates a reusable model

How does human creativity fit into the new world of AI?

Just like painters faced the advent of photography, AI introduced a different realm of creative expression. Both traditional and AI-driven approaches have their merits, providing us with unique avenues to unleash our creativity. For example, AI can be a perfect starting point when we face creative blocks.

AI helps us level up our skills

With AI, we can accomplish things we couldn't before. It equips us with additional skills, allowing us to write more compelling copy, create breathtaking images*, and much more. It's like having a creative sidekick that amplifies our abilities.

What lies ahead in the future of AI?

Truth be told, we don't have all the answers just yet. AI is still relatively new, making it so exciting to learn about it now. We are at the forefront of a new era, where AI isn't about replacing what we already know — it's about enabling us to realize ideas we never thought possible.

Let's embrace this AI journey and uncover the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

*The image below was created in Midjourney using the prompt 'make a black and white image of AI being creative'. It's as simple as that!

Hud Duque – Innovation Lead at Mr.Prezident

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