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  3. How Mr.Prezident evokes valuable feedback with the help of AI

How Mr.Prezident evokes valuable feedback with the help of AI.

At Mr.Prezident, mood boards have become an integral part of our concept development process. These visual collages have proven to be a transformative tool in client presentations, enabling us to effectively communicate creative direction, foster collaboration, and exceed client expectations. In this article, I will delve into the power of mood boards and our unique approach to providing diverse and compelling concept options.

Visualize projects with mood boards

In the realm of presentations, conveying the details of creative direction through mere words or written briefs can be challenging. Enter mood boards, our secret weapon. By weaving together a tapestry of images, colors, typography, and textures, mood boards breathe life into concepts, allowing clients to visualize the journey we envision for their projects. This visual storytelling sparks immediate engagement and establishes a shared understanding of the project's aesthetic and mood.

A critical aspect of our concept development process is aligning expectations with our clients. To achieve this, we present multiple concept options that provoke thought and elicit valuable feedback. Our approach goes beyond the traditional safe bet; we provide two distinct concepts that stand at opposite ends of the creative spectrum. One concept embraces the client's existing brand essence, while the other dares to venture into uncharted territories of creativity. This duality expands the creative possibilities and encourages clients to explore beyond their comfort zones.

Let Generative AI work for you.

This is where Generative AI's (GenAI) truly add value. These AI systems have the ability to analyze and synthesize diverse visual elements, resulting in unexpected combinations that may spark creative inspiration in both designers and clients. 

In our relentless pursuit of unparalleled innovation, we have introduced the use of AI to our creative team for crafting a third mood board. This board blends elements from the initial concept options, creating a fusion that revitalizes the client's brand identity while preserving its core essence. This type of mood board has emerged as an ideal solution for clients who seek a fresh feel while remaining aligned with their established brand guidelines and values.

Mood boards have revolutionized our concept development process at Mr.Prezident, propelling us to new heights of excellence in presentation design. With their visual storytelling ability, mood boards help us communicate creative direction, align expectations, and forge a collaborative partnership with our clients. The introduction of MidJourney has further elevated our approach, enabling us to deliver unique concepts that strike a harmonious balance between innovation and brand essence.

Hud Duque – Innovation Lead at Mr.Prezident

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Innovations update: AI

Innovation in a presentation design agency