1. Mr.Prezident - Engels
  2. interactive-powerpoint

Interactive PowerPoint.

We think your next presentation
should be an interactive PowerPoint.

Instead of going through your presentation slide by slide, you can navigate freely, choose to skip parts or create shortcuts. By doing so, you can tailor your presentation to the needs of your audience on the spot.

So what makes a PowerPoint interactive?

You can create non-linear structures for your presentation by adding interactivity.

You can make your presentation operate and look like a website or an app. The real fun starts when you add animation to the mix. Inspired by web design and UX and UI we use subtle animations to make your presentation come to life, to create flow, and to guide the eye of the spectator. 

Interactive PowerPoint - feedback - Mr.Prezident

Check out our cases.

Have a look at our cases page for more interactive inspiration.


Interactive menu.

With an interactive menu you can adapt your story on the spot, depending on your audience. Sometimes you might want to get into details and sometimes you might want to skip them. An interactive menu that offers navigating freely also allows you to let the discussion decide where in your presentation to go next.

Interactive PowerPoint - interactive menu - Mr.Prezident


Click and reveal.

This is a very specific interaction that allows you to disclose information by clicking on a specific element, such as a tab, icon or character. We think this interaction is of great value when you want to share a contrast (before-after, problem-solution). But there are even way more creative reasons to choose for a click and reveal interaction.

Interactive PowerPoint - click and reveal - Mr.Prezident.gif

Interested in going interactive?

Let's schedule a free introductory meeting to learn more about your presentation objectives and let's discuss how we might be able to help you achieve them.