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  3. Final presentation of the year

How to make a speech worth listening to?

It’s the end of the year, and as every year there is this presentation or speech coming up to wrap up the year. You have most likely seen a few of these presentations in your professional career and they tend to be a snooze fest. Well until now, because starting today we are going to teach you how to do things differently.

Keep it informal

Most people feel tired at the end of the year. It’s probably between the ears, but people are not motivated to listen to a never ending speech about performances and expectations. So create a relaxed setting, talk about subjects close to people’s hearts and keep it short. Try to hit the high notes and keep it interesting.


In order to keep your presentation vivid, use a GIF in your presentation. You can use a GIF to close things off with a chuckle . GIFs are informal and pretty hilarious (if well picked). Make sure you time the moment well and find a relevant GIF to complete your presentation.

Christmas music

No time for Scrooge, it’s the end of the year and everyone likes a holiday jingle. Of course - it might be cheesy - but the holidays season in in full swing, so embrace it in your presentation. It also sets the mood for drinks afterwards. Hint.

The act of surprise

Catch your audience off guard for some extra cheer and delight. Perhaps start with a glass of champagne and a toast to set the mood, then bring out a bag of small Christmas gifts. Another suggestion would be to surprise everyone with a film or montage of the year's highlights (this might require some planning). Another way you can spice things up is by including a special guest. Creativity and relevance are once again key.